July 2, 2023

Dearly beloved, As we turn the page of another month and enter the month of July, we find ourselves once again celebrating the 4th of July. It is the day when we celebrate the gift of freedom in this country that was won during the Revolutionary war. It is a...

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Holiday Market

Holiday market:Plans are beginning for us to resume our holiday market in November. We are looking for those who might be interested in helping, particularly those who might want to be the point person for one of the areas. Please fill out the form with the following link and/or contact...

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Flat Jesus

Cutouts of Flat Jesus are available for you to color in – a couple different options are available. When you’re finished coloring, take Flat Jesus with you as you travel…or to wherever or to whatever you find yourself doing this summer. Maybe it’s going out to dinner, having fun at...

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Worship at Putnam Ridge

Worship @ Putnam Ridge: Pastor Jen is now offering worship once a month at Putnam Ridge nursing home. If you would like to join her and help out, please let her know. Looking for folks to offer special music, read the scripture lesson, help with communion, etc. Services are held...

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June 25, 2023

Dearly beloved, Another month has almost drawn to a close; summer has officially dawned, school has ended, and summer activities and events are increasing. Many of the regular activities here at Trinity are on a break as well – such as educational/faith formation groups. Yet our mission and ministry most...

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