June 9, 2024

Dearly beloved, We continue our series, looking at the Lord’s Prayer. We are diving deep into the gift of these very familiar words that we may be further enriched by them. This week, we are reflecting on “hallowed (holy) be your name” There are a number of books that I...

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June 2, 2024

Dearly beloved, This week, we begin an 8 week series about the Lord’s Prayer. Its words are so familiar to us. They rest upon our hearts and our souls. Some times this familiarity can lead to a bit of apathy. How many times have we each found ourselves saying the...

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May 26, 2024

Dearly beloved, This weekend is Memorial day weekend. For many it is the unofficial start of the summer with the long weekend. Businesses use it as an opportunity for special sales and promotions Yet, for me personally and for many others, Memorial day is when I remember my father, Charles...

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May 19, 2024

Dearly beloved, This Sunday is Pentecost (don’t forget to wear red or flame-like colors), often seen as the birth of the Church. It is the one Sunday a year that we focus almost exclusively on the Holy Spirit. Our altar is adorned with our red paraments and we read the...

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April 21, 2024

Dearly beloved, Ever have a false start? Think you have everything together and need to run back into the house/work/car or wherever cause you forgot something? Yup, all been there Well, here are a few things that have updates that have changed since are last email and announcements. Two of...

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