April 30, 2023

Dearly beloved, I used to joke and say that the “reason” I became a pastor is that I love to eat (and don’t like to cook). Gathering around food has often played a role in the life of the church. From the grace and love received at the Lord’s table...

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April 23, 2023

Dearly beloved, This Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Beginning on college campuses in 1970, it has spread across the globe with more than a billion people participating in this event every year. (Note: you can see one of the original 1970 news reports with Walter Cronkite in the link...

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April 2, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Our Holy Week begins with the waving of palm branches and cries of Hosanna as Jesus enters Jerusalem. The tensions build throughout the week as his friends betray, deny and run from him. He faces all of this for our sake. Christ goes to the cross because of...

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March 26, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Our local community has faced some difficult news and situations recently – particularly in one of our local school districts. Without getting into all the nitty-gritty of this particular event, suffice it to say that it dealt with racism and violence against people of color. As I do...

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March 18, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Most days on Facebook, I try to look at what comes up under memories (posts & pictures from previous years). I love seeing old pictures of family, friends, and various church events. I will often find myself re-posting particular memes because they continue to bring a smile and/or...

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