November 20, 2022

Dearly beloved, As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I share a reflection from Henri Nouwen on gratitude: In the past I always thought of gratitude as a spontaneous response to the awareness of gifts received, but now I realize that gratitude can also be lived as a discipline. The discipline...

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November 13, 2022

Dearly beloved, When you do remember getting your first Bible? Was it for your First Communion? Confirmation? Another time? As a pastor, I have more Bibles than I know – some received as a gift (like my Confirmation), others at various church events (like the pocket ones from youth gatherings),...

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November 6, 2022

Dearly Beloved, So many saints have been in my thoughts and hearts this week! On Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, I marked 30 years of ordained ministry! It’s gone so very fast!! As I reflect on these years, it is the people that stand out in my memories – countless saints who...

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October 30, 2022

Dearly Beloved, This Sunday is Reformation Sunday when we remember the actions of Martin Luther which brought about great change across the land. His was a call to remember who and whose we are. He pointed us back to the God who so generously gave fully of himself out of...

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October 23, 2022

Dearly Beloved, The Bible is often perceived as fairly staid and even uninteresting. Admittedly, there are parts (such as the genealogies) that can make many an eye glaze over. There are also parts that are decidedly inspirational and others that provide balm for our souls. And still, others that make...

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