Daylight Savings Time – March 9, 2025
Daylight Savings Time: Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday March 9, 2025. Don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night!
Daylight Savings Time: Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday March 9, 2025. Don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night!
Dearly beloved, Happy Lent – not two words that we often put together. Yet, what can be happy or blessed about this time is that we draw closer in relationship with Christ. It is an opportunity to make a commitment to spend deliberate time in prayer and reflection. It...
Dearly beloved, Family Retreat at Koinonia A newer Trinity person, Elly Harrold has been in touch with Camp Koinonia to look at when we might go to the camp for a weekend Family retreat. Two weekends they have available for a stay at the Conference Center are: June 6 –...
Putnam CAP Needs You!!
Community connections: Last week at our Annual meeting, we talked about the ways in which we might connect both within this faith community as well as in the wider community. Under the banner of similar interests, we began a few sign ups. If you are interested in participating or want...