Lutheran World Relief Baby Kit Collection

We will again be collecting items for the LWR Baby Kits which will go all over the world where they are needed. Some of the items most needed for the kits are cloth flat fold Gerber diapers, tee shirts in size 6 months to 24 months, sleepers or jumpsuit without...

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June 9, 2024

Dearly beloved, We continue our series, looking at the Lord’s Prayer. We are diving deep into the gift of these very familiar words that we may be further enriched by them. This week, we are reflecting on “hallowed (holy) be your name” There are a number of books that I...

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June 2, 2024

Dearly beloved, This week, we begin an 8 week series about the Lord’s Prayer. Its words are so familiar to us. They rest upon our hearts and our souls. Some times this familiarity can lead to a bit of apathy. How many times have we each found ourselves saying the...

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