Advent Candle Lighting

Advent Candle lighting: Each Sunday, we light another candle on our wreath. We will have a brief litany as we do so. If you and/or your family is willing to lead this litany on one of these weeks, please contact Pastor Jen.

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Advent Devotional

Advent devotional: This year, we are offering the devotional “A Weary World Rejoices” by Prof. Kate Bowler for daily prayer. It offers scripture, a reflection with a few questions and a prayer. It revolves around God’s promises of truth, compassion, restoration and justice. We have some hard copies available, but...

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December 1, 2024

Dearly beloved, Advent is coming! Advent is coming! Advent is coming! I think Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the Church Year. It often gets lost amidst all the preparations for Christmas and the relentless sales and advertisements that take up space in our days. The hymns of...

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Order Poinsettias – 2024

If you wish to place poinsettias in the Chancel or make a donation toward decorations, please use the form below. The cost of each poinsettia plant is $16.00 and donations for wreaths or decorations can be made in any amount. Checks should be made payable to the “Trinity Lutheran Church...

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November 10, 2024

Dearly beloved, I am sitting down to write this reflection the day after the election, a couple days earlier that I would normally write something. Part of this is from a practical point of view – leaving on Thursday for a family wedding (I will be back in time for...

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