
GRADUATES: We are compiling a list of those who will be graduating from college or high school this year. Please send their names, school and what degree that they will be earning to the church office. We will be celebrating this milestone on Sunday, June 23rd during worship. Special announcements...

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Summer Mowing Signup

SUMMER MOWING: Help to keep our grounds beautiful. We are looking for people to mow. It may be completed per your schedule during the week that you sign up. Mowers and trimmers are available in the church shed. Contact Peter Donoghue or the church office for the key. Use this...

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May 19, 2024

Dearly beloved, This Sunday is Pentecost (don’t forget to wear red or flame-like colors), often seen as the birth of the Church. It is the one Sunday a year that we focus almost exclusively on the Holy Spirit. Our altar is adorned with our red paraments and we read the...

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Yarn/Craft Ministry

YARN/CRAFT MINISTRY: There has been interest expressed in re-starting a group to meet a couple of times a month. Sue Curtiss ([email protected]) has offered to be the point person for it and we have set the following dates & times: Monday, May 13th (1pm) and Wednesday, May 22nd (1pm), meeting...

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40 Days of Prayer

40 DAY OF PRAYER: A few folks indicated that they needed reminding and/or an indication of what day we are on. We re-started our 40 days on April 21st. Each week we will have an attachment with that week’s readings. They will also be posted daily on social media. As...

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