February 11, 2024

“And Jesus was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling bright, such as no one on earth could brighten them. ” (Mark 9:2-3) Dearly beloved, On April 8th, there will be a solar eclipse. I’m not sure how much of it we will see here, but parts of the...

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Glitter Sunday

“GLITTER SUNDAY” (AKA TRANSFIGURATION): On Sunday, Feb. 11th, we mark the end of the Epiphany season and prepare for Lent. We have a modified Mardi Gras theme along with the bright glory of Jesus’s transfiguration. We are inviting people to wear bright and/or sparkly clothes to celebrate the light of...

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Share Your Gifts

Share your gifts: We are looking for folks who would be willing to serve the church in the following ways: Church Council: we are in need of another nomination for someone to serve a 3 year term on council. We meet once a month to talk about the mission and...

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Congregational Assessment Tool

We are also asking everyone to complete the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). This will help us in our discernment process as we reflect on where God is calling us into the future. You have until March 3rd to complete this assessment of our congregation. It should only take about 15-20...

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2023 Annual Report

Dearly Beloved, Reminder that we have our Annual meeting this Sunday, January 28th, following worship. We will be meeting in Fellowship Hall. A copy of the Annual report is attached (paper copies are also available at the church). We will be discussing and voting on the proposed budget, as well as electing...

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