June 11, 2023

This week, we begin a five week series call “Come to the Water”. Think about how many times we use as well as need water in our daily lives. Scientists tell us that our bodies are 55-60 % water and 71% of the earth is covered by water. We can go longer without food than we can water. It is that which sustains and nourishes all life, it cleanses and renews us everyday.

The series creators write:
Did you know the story of our faith can be told
through water?

God hovering over the water
Bringing chaos out of the deep
Water was life-giving and then water was life taking (Noah)
It was water that carried Moses to safety
Then parted to allow him to lead people to
And water that swarmed the pursuers who would
stop them
God’s people wept tears by waters
God leads us beside still waters
The Messiah is baptized in water
Jesus turns water into wine
Jesus walks on water
Jesus IS living water
Jesus met women at wells and blind men by pools
Jesus called disciples who made their living from
the sea
The last words Jesus gives to his followers is to go
forth and baptize in water

As we gather in worship, let us wade into the waters of baptism where grace laps at our feet and we are refreshed by the love of Christ.

peace in Christ,

Pastor Jen