January 21, 2024

Dearly beloved,

There is a human tendency to pay closer attention to what is right at hand. Often things that have been in the same place for a long time get overlooked. For example, there are numerous signs and posters around the church buildings – when is the last time that you looked at any of them? It is only when a change is made that we notice.

I think that some of this is self-preservation of our sanity – there is soooo much information being shared all the time. We need to have a way to focus and so just look at what is directly in front of us and what is calling for our attention at the moment.

The danger in this is that we get soooo focused that we don’t take the time to reflect on where we are at and how we might change. adapt, or update our lives as well as our church.

Next week, you will be receiving a link about CAT (Congregational Assessment Tool). It is an online program that will help us look at who we are and where we are at as a community of faith. It will help us as we live in this ever changing world to see the ways in which we are currently living out God’s mission in the world and how God is inviting us to live fully into the Church that God has made us to be.

You will find additional information in the Annual report and we will be talking about it at the meeting as well. It is VITAL that we get as many people as we can to participate in this tool. For those who are unable to complete it online, we will have paper copies available which we will then need to input into the computer.

If you have questions, let me or any Church Council member know

Let us see where God is leading us!

Blessings & Peace in Christ,

Pastor Jen