January 14, 2024

Dearly beloved,

This coming Monday has been set aside since 1986 to remember and give thanks for the life and witness of Martin Luther King, Jr. (see the information about the community event in the Trinity weekly). This year it actually falls on his actual date of birth (Jan. 15th).

There is much for us learn and be thankful in the arc of justice that he lifted up so powerfully in his words and actions. Many of which still are relevant in today’s world as well!

Yet, the Civil rights movement was about much more than just one person. We could name countless others like Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, John Lewis; some who used their gifts of art, acting, writing and music to lift up the dream that King spoke eloquently about – such as Maya Angelou, Harry Belafonte, Lorraine Hansberry and Audre Lorde, athletes like Muhammed Ali & Jackie Robinson. Many of theses names are familiar and have been passed down through time.

As I have looked through all pictures of many of the marches, rallies, sit-ins and the like, I have been struck by the many whose names may be unknown or even forgotten. Think about the 250,000 people in 1963 who were part of the march on Washington – names omitted from the annals of history, and yet…

They were known by their families, friends and communities where their experiences may have been shared.

This is a wonderful illustration of how our own lives of faith have been birthed, nurtured and grown. We are blessed by the countless people who have gone before us, sharing the love of Christ with others. There are so many names that are known – whether it was the earliest disciples as well as saints throughout the ages. There are those particular people who haven vital to our own faith – family, friends, Sunday school teachers and the like.

And yet, there are countless others who go un-named but without whom we would not have the gift of faith as we know it today.

So as we do mark days like MLK day, let us also be mindful of so many others who were and are not in the spotlight and yet whose witness and love of Jesus have blessed us to this day!

Blessings & Peace in Christ,

Pastor Jen