August 27, 2023

Dearly beloved,

We continue our worship series with the question of “what do you need?” “Need” not “want”.

What do we really need?
How much of what we think we need is really a want?
How much of what the world says that we need is just a re-framed want?

And in all of this, how do we not just discern what we each need as individuals but what is it that we NEED as a people of God, as people of faith?

How do we see the One who is the source of life as the One & Only that is truly needed?
How do we share the love and grace that we receive through Christ with a world that is so focused on wants that they are missing the One True Thing that is what they really need?

Join us as we gather in worship to be reminded that all we truly need is God!

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Jen