First Friday – May 5th

Our next potluck will be Friday, May 5th (6pm) and it falls on Cinco de Mayo. Please plan to come and join in the fellowship! Bring a dish to share and invite friends to join you.

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Music Together

Music Together is an early childhood music and movement program for parents and their children age birth to 5. Classes are 45 minutes long in which traditional, as well as original and international songs are sung. Age-appropriate rhythm instruments such as egg shakers, rhythm sticks, jingle bells as well as...

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Reconciling in Christ

We will begin looking at what it means to be a RIC congregation after Easter. This will enable us to live more fully into what it means when we say “all are welcome”. In the meantime, you can go to to learn more about this process.

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Spanish Classes

The current semester has ended but a new round of classes will begin at the end of April (4/24 & 4/25). They continue to be on Mondays (10am) and Tuesdays (7pm). Tuition is $150 for 10 weeks. For more information contact Norma Pereira at [email protected]

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