March 18, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Most days on Facebook, I try to look at what comes up under memories (posts & pictures from previous years). I love seeing old pictures of family, friends, and various church events. I will often find myself re-posting particular memes because they continue to bring a smile and/or...

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March 12, 2023

Dearly Beloved, How are we already halfway through Lent – don’t like that time is moving so quickly – and we are a mere three weeks until Easter. How are your Lenten practices going? Did you pick up one of the devotionals we offer or are using another resource? Have...

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New Bible Study

Pastor Jen is offering a study on Jesus’ parables in the gospel of Matthew. Classes are offered Wednesdays (7pm) on Zoom (contact her for the link) and on Thursdays (10am) in person in Fellowship hall

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Prayer Tree

PRAYER TREE: We are starting a prayer outreach ministry where both people in the congregation and community can ask for prayers during the week. We will have one designated email address with a lead person (Debbie Lyon) who will then be in touch with those on the tree about the...

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Trinity on TV

Our worship services will now be aired on Comcast channel 21. You can also watch on their website at: This is in addition to our Facebook and YouTube channels. Please share this with anyone who might need to access the service in this way.

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