Holiday Market – December 4 – Camp Herrlich

HOLIDAY MARKET: WELCA will be having a table at the Holiday Market at Camp Herrlich on Sunday, December 4 from 10AM to 3 PM. The WELCA ladies will be selling some of their crafts along with baked goodies. If you are able to help man the table and/or donated any...

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December 2, 2022 – December First Friday

December First Friday First Friday Pot Luck will be a blessing of our Nativity sets as well as a Potluck supper. It is Friday, Dec. 2nd (6pm). Bring your family’s Nativity scene for a special display and a chance to share memories related to it.

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November 20, 2022

Dearly beloved, As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I share a reflection from Henri Nouwen on gratitude: In the past I always thought of gratitude as a spontaneous response to the awareness of gifts received, but now I realize that gratitude can also be lived as a discipline. The discipline...

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Altar Guild – Service Opportunity

Members of the Altar Guild care for the altar to prepare for Holy Communion Service each week. Weekly set-up takes under an hour including: Pouring wine into individual cups Setting everything on the altar Can be done on Saturday or early Sunday morning Weekly Clean-up takes under an hour including:...

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Brewster Cares Shelter Volunteer Opportunities

Brewster Cares Shelter 2022/2023 Volunteers Needed The Brewster Cares Shelter site is ready for people to sign up to volunteer. People need to hit the sign-up button and it takes them to the site and then they can scroll down to our dates. Trinity’ weeks are Dec. 12-19, January 2-9,...

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