December 2, 2022 – December First Friday

December First Friday First Friday Pot Luck will be a blessing of our Nativity sets as well as a Potluck supper. It is Friday, Dec. 2nd (6pm). Bring your family’s Nativity scene for a special display and a chance to share memories related to it.

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November 20, 2022

Dearly beloved, As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I share a reflection from Henri Nouwen on gratitude: In the past I always thought of gratitude as a spontaneous response to the awareness of gifts received, but now I realize that gratitude can also be lived as a discipline. The discipline...

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Altar Guild – Service Opportunity

Members of the Altar Guild care for the altar to prepare for Holy Communion Service each week. Weekly set-up takes under an hour including: Pouring wine into individual cups Setting everything on the altar Can be done on Saturday or early Sunday morning Weekly Clean-up takes under an hour including:...

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Brewster Cares Shelter Volunteer Opportunities

Brewster Cares Shelter 2022/2023 Volunteers Needed The Brewster Cares Shelter site is ready for people to sign up to volunteer. People need to hit the sign-up button and it takes them to the site and then they can scroll down to our dates. Trinity’ weeks are Dec. 12-19, January 2-9,...

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2022 Christmas Decorations

Poinsettias in the Chancel or a donation toward decorations: The cost of each poinsettia plant is $16.00 and donations for wreaths or decorations can be made in any amount. Checks should be made payable to the “Trinity Lutheran Church Flower Fund.” By December 18, 2022, please complete the attached form,...

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