August 21, 2022

Good morning, I have been working on the testimonial on why I give to Trinity Lutheran Church for the better part of this year. It is not that I have been procrastinating, it is just I have so much to be grateful for in the family of Trinity. I moved...

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Brewster Fall Festival – September 25th

The Brewster Fall Festival will be Sunday, Sept. 25th (11am-4pm) in the village. We have had a booth there in the past few years and it is a wonderful way to meet more members of our local community as well as to let people know more about who we are....

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Mission Trip to Guatemala

Pastor Dockweiler (St. Andrew’s) is looking at leading a trip to the San Lucas Mision in January. He will be having an informational meeting on Thursday, Aug. 4th (8pm) on Zoom. If you or anyone you know might be interested, Pastor Jen can get you in touch with him. She...

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Spanish Classes

SPANISH CLASSES: Are you interested in learning more Spanish? We are hoping to offer a class this Fall and want to see how many might be interested. Sign up and/or let Pastor Jen know.

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Churchwide Assembly August 8-12th

CHURCHWIDE ASSEMBLY will be Aug. 8-12th in Columbus, OH. Pastor Jen will be attending as a voting member for our synod. The theme is “Embody the Word”; there have been weekly Bible studies on this theme, using the walk to Emmaus (Luke 24) as the primary scripture pas-sage You can...

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