Trunk or Treat

Trunk or treat: We are hoping to host another one this year! Would you like to be one of the (car)trunks to give out treats for Halloween? It will be held on Saturday, Oct. 29th (3-5pm) in the upper parking lot. Watch for more information soon. We need at least...

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Spanish Classes Have Started!

Spanish Classes Have Started! There is still room for you!! Monday Morning Group: 10-11:30 a.m. Tuesday Night Group: 7-8:30 p.m. The cost for the full semester is $150 payable to Norma Pereira-Gross We are learning basic Spanish as well as different parts of the Latino culture.

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Blood Drive Update

Blood Drive Update Thank you to all who donated at our September 27, 2022 blood drive held here at Trinity. 69 donors registered, of whom there were 8 deferrals. We collected 69 units of blood, of which 61 were whole blood and 4 were double red cells (equals 8 units)....

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October is Suicide Awareness Month

Did You Know? October is Suicide Awareness Month The new hotline number is 988 Share with others…you never know when someone might need it. Grief Counseling Pastor Jen is now a certified grief counselor If you know of anyone who might need help working through grief of any kind, please...

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October 9, 2022

Dear beloved, This week we hear the account of the giving of the Ten Commandments. As we reflect on them, we can turn to Martin Luther’s Small Catechism and find a fuller meaning and significance. They are more than rules but the way to the life that God intends for...

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