January 15, 2023

Dearly Beloved, As you are receiving this, myself and Deacon Charlie Germain have most likely already landed in Guatemala and made the trip to San Lucas Toliman on Lake Atitlan. We will be spending the week learning about and working alongside people involved in the San Lucas Mission (https://sanlucasmission.org/) This...

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January 8, 2023

Dearly Beloved, This Sunday we hear from John the Baptist as he calls people to return to God with their whole hearts. This is followed by Jesus’ baptism when the Holy Spirit descends on him and a voice declares him God’s beloved. Throughout this reading, our attention is dramatically drawn...

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Spanish Classes

Spanish Classes are starting!! Mondays (10am) and Tuesdays (7pm) for 12 weeks Starting January 23 & 24 Anyone can sign up! The cost continues to be $150 for the semester You can sign up at the church or contact Norma Pereira directly: [email protected]

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First Friday Visit of the Magi – January 6

Join us for our January First Friday potluck (January 6). We will be hosting local families as they come to be visited by the Magi. Gifts will be given to the children (courtesy of Toys for Tots, Putnam CAP and others) as well as special entertainment in the sanctuary. We...

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Brewster Cares Shelter 2022/2023

Volunteers Needed! The Brewster Cares Shelter site is ready for people to sign up to volunteer. We need people to make meals, serve meals, make lunches and stay overnight along with the paid supervisor. We are also asking for donations of juice either apple, mixed fruit, or orange, as well...

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