Prayer Tree

We are starting a prayer outreach ministry where both people in the congregation and community can ask for prayers during the week. We will have one designated email address with a lead person (Debbie Lyon) who will then be in touch with those on the tree about the particular prayer...

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March 26, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Our local community has faced some difficult news and situations recently – particularly in one of our local school districts. Without getting into all the nitty-gritty of this particular event, suffice it to say that it dealt with racism and violence against people of color. As I do...

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Easter Lilies

The cost of each plant is $16.00 and checks should be made payable to the “Trinity Lutheran Church Flower Fund.” Before April 2nd, complete the form, enclose $16.00 per plant, place it in the collection plate, bring to the church office, hand it to Kathie Ruhs or mail it to...

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