May 28, 2023

This Sunday is Pentecost (don’t forget to wear red)! It is my favorite Sunday of the Church year (don’t like when it falls on Memorial day weekend as I know many people go away). The Acts reading (chapter 2) is dramatic and truly made for the “big screen” with its...

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Coffee Hour

COFFEE HOUR: We would like to re-start having Coffee hours on a more regular basis. There will be sign up sheet for folks to bring goodies, set up and/or clean up for Sundays in May & June. I’m suggesting that we have more than one person designated for each week...

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May 21, 2023

Dearly beloved, Calendars are filling up with so many different special evens in the coming weeks: graduations, weddings, end of school year activities. I don’t want you to miss out on a special event that we are having here at Trinity on Saturday, June 3rd! We are having a Confirmation/Church...

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