June 11, 2023

This week, we begin a five week series call “Come to the Water”. Think about how many times we use as well as need water in our daily lives. Scientists tell us that our bodies are 55-60 % water and 71% of the earth is covered by water. We can...

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Flat Jesus

FLAT JESUS: We know that people will be taking time away this summer for vacation and special events. Yet, we always remember that Christ is with us! And you can literally take Jesus with you! Pick up one of the Flat Jesus coloring sheets (there are numerous versions). Color him...

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Membership: We have a number of people who will be joining as members of Trinity. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Pastor Jen. You are also asked to fill out the form below and submit it on the site. Membership Form

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Worship at Putnam Ridge

Pastor Jen is now offering worship once a month at Putnam Ridge nursing home. If you would like to join her and help out, please let her know. Looking for folks to offer special music, read the scripture lesson, help with communion, etc. The upcoming services will be at 2pm...

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June 4, 2023

Dearly beloved, This Sunday is the day we honor God as the Triune One. Much ink has been spilled over the years trying to understand the Trinity. I’m not sure about you, but the more I try the more questions arise. Author Frederick Buechner writes: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit...

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