San Lucus Coffee Fundraiser

San Lucas Coffee fundraiser: We will be selling coffee at the Holiday market. In addition to supporting the mission in San Lucas, we will also receive a portion of the proceeds (approx. $5 per item). People can also order directly online and it will be shipped to their homes. There...

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World Kindness Day – November 13th

November 13th is World Kindness Day. We are looking to promoting and encouraging people to be intentional in sharing kindness and compassion with those around them.. On Sunday, Nov. 12th (2-4pm), we will hold a “Crafting Kindness” event where people can come create items to share in our community (such...

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October 22, 2023

Dearly beloved, This past week I met with a newly formed group from within the larger community to talk about ways in which we may foster greater compassion and kindness in our area. We continue to see the ways in which divisiveness and lack of respect & compassion affect our...

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Art of Compassion

Pastor Jen recently came across a program that her alma mater runs called Art of Compassion. It uses art, education & entertainment to help foster compassion. It got her brain clicking with possibilities as she reflected on numerous conversations and experiences that she had recently. There is a sense in...

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October 8, 2023

Dearly beloved, Our readings this week move from the call of Moses to the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy. This last book of the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible) is a series of sermons by Moses as the people of Israel prepare to enter the promised land. The...

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