August 27, 2023

Dearly beloved, We continue our worship series with the question of “what do you need?” “Need” not “want”. What do we really need? How much of what we think we need is really a want? How much of what the world says that we need is just a re-framed want?...

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August 20, 2024

Dearly beloved, We continue our series “I’ve been meaning to ask” with the question: “Where does it hurt?” This can be a decidedly vulnerable question to be asked or to ask of another. We more often than not want to hide our pain – both from others as well as...

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August 13, 2023

Dearly beloved, This week, we begin a new worship series called “I’ve been meaning to ask..” with this week’s question of “Where are you from?” coupled with readings from Genesis 2 and John 1:35-51 which have as much to do with identity as well as geography. Following worship, during coffee...

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July 30, 2023

Dearly beloved, This week’s Wisdom reading is from the book of Ecclesiastes with its most familiar “time” passages. It immediately brought to mind “Turn! Turn! Turn!” made popular by The Byrds and written by Pete Seeger. This song consists of all 8 verses of Ecc. 3. Even as this song...

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WELCA Yarn Group

WELCA YARN GROUP July 27th; 5:30-7:30 PM Come get loopy with us in Fellowship Hall! Our first project to chat about is a 4-hour baby blanket. Yes, you read that right, 4 hours. If you’re still in the Beginner phase, it may be 2 days, but still! 😁 For this...

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