April 2, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Our Holy Week begins with the waving of palm branches and cries of Hosanna as Jesus enters Jerusalem. The tensions build throughout the week as his friends betray, deny and run from him. He faces all of this for our sake. Christ goes to the cross because of...

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Prayer Tree

We are starting a prayer outreach ministry where both people in the congregation and community can ask for prayers during the week. We will have one designated email address with a lead person (Debbie Lyon) who will then be in touch with those on the tree about the particular prayer...

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March 26, 2023

Dearly Beloved, Our local community has faced some difficult news and situations recently – particularly in one of our local school districts. Without getting into all the nitty-gritty of this particular event, suffice it to say that it dealt with racism and violence against people of color. As I do...

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