Special Letter of Thanks – Wycliffe Associates Stamp Ministry

Special Letter of Thanks!

Here are a few facts passed on by Dianne Archer from Wycliffe Associates Stamp Ministry.

We would like to thank you for saving stamps for us. The stamps you donate and the ones we collect are sold online. Following are some amazing things we have been able to achieve with the proceeds.

In 2020, the Stamp Ministry donated $10,000 toward a MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) workshop for the national translators of Madagascar. This workshop trained the nationals how to translate scripture so that the last 6 language groups of the 18 language groups in Madagascar would have scripture in their heart language.
In 2021, the Stamp Ministry donated $14,000 to the Director of Southern Africa for ink, paper and binding supplies for a Print on Demand (POD) system which will print New Testatment Bibles that were translated by the churches in Zambia and for celebrations to be held for each of the 4 language groups.
Each year, except 2021 due to Covid restriciions, the WA volunteers hold an auction to support a ministry within WA that has not been fully funded in the yearly budget. In 2022, the auction raised $101,000. $22,500 came from the Stamp Ministry.

All work that WA produces if free from copyright and can be accessed on our website:

Please continue to pray for the safety and wisdom of the national translators.

Dianne Archer