San Lucas Mission

If you would like to support the mission in Guatemala, see the brochure in the narthex. Pastor Jen also has some of the coffee for sale( $10 for a 16 oz bag) or you can order online directly. ( www.

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Terracycle Update

Trinity Lutheran Church has earned 36,706 points. ($367.06) and redeemed 31,518 points ($315.18) so far this year. Thank you for all your help recycling.  Keep up the good work. Any of the items you can recycle at home, please do so. We only receive money from Terracycle for the items...

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3rd Tuesday Table Talk

We continue to meet each month for fellowship and conversation at area restaurants. If would like to join any of these gatherings, please contact Pastor Jen to be included in our reservation. Our next Table talks will be July 17th (6:30pm) at Puerto Vallarta (98 Newtown Rd, Danbury, off exit...

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