Special Offering

Special offering:  Last week at Church council, we decided to take up a special offering for the churches in  Louisiana that had been burned as a result of arson born of hatred and prejudice.  We would like to collect at least $250 to send to them.  We began the collection this...

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Summer Worship Series Survey

We are looking at doing a “Gospel according to…” series based on scripture, but using various cultural media (movies, music, books, etc.) There are actually a wide variety of books dedicated to many of these themes. There are approx. 10-12 weeks this summer that we will be doing this series...

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Care of Creation Artwork

The Metro NY Synod Assembly is looking for artwork from our children that highlights Care of Creation for this year’s assembly. It is due to the Synod office by May 1st. More information can be found at:https://www.mnys.org/news-andevents/our-little-care-for-creation-artists/

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