Coffee for Sale
WELCA is selling coffee from the San Lucas Mision ($10 each). Pick up a bag today!
WELCA is selling coffee from the San Lucas Mision ($10 each). Pick up a bag today!
For the season of Epiphany (which focuses on the Gospel message to all nations) we would like to have the Lord’s Prayer read in different languages in addition to English. If you are willing to do so, please see Pastor Jen
2020 Envelopes are available. Please pick up your envelopes today. Please note that we have consolidated our list and your number has probably changed. If you did not get envelopes and would like them, please contact the church office. Pledges – if you did not turn in your pledge yet,...
As we look ahead into the New Year, mark your calendars now for our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26th following one worship service at 8:30am and the Bacon & egg sandwich fundraiser by our Affirmation Youth. Please make sure that the committee and/or group you are a part of...
Third Tuesday Table Talk Will be held Tuesday, Jan 21st (6:30PM) at Luigi’s in Carmel. Please sign up in Narthex to reserve your spot.