Trinity Youth Group Bake Sale

TYG FUNDRAISER: BAKE SALE will be held on Sunday, February 23 (8:00am) and between services. YUMMY! Please help us raise funds for the 2021 Youth Gathering ( need volunteers and baked goods to sell.

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Winter Clothing

As the warmer weather arrives, if you have any clean, gently usedwinter clothing that you are planning to discard, please remember it can be used for our Midnight Run. Please place the items either in the “Social Ministry” tub or in a plastic bag clearly marked for Midnight Run and...

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From the Cradle to the Cross

In preparation for our Easter Celebration the Lenten Bible Study will focus on the life of Jesus and his Ministry using both the Bible as well aspaintings. We will meet at the Church beginning Wednesday, March 1st and continuing for 5 weeks through April 1st from 6:15-7:30pm. Please feel free...

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College Care Packages – Cancelled

We are putting together a list of the contact information forour college students in order that we may send/deliver care packages to them by the end of March. If you have a college student, please send their address and other contact information to Pastor Jen. We will be compiling a...

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Guatemala Mission

Pastor Jen is planning on going to the San Lucas Mission in July (tentativelyJuly 6-11). If you are interested in going as well, please let her know as soon as possible. You can learn more about the mission by going to

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