First Friday – September 6th 6pm
The Next First Friday pot luck dinner will be September 6th at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up in the narthex.
The Next First Friday pot luck dinner will be September 6th at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up in the narthex.
If you would like to support the mission in Guatemala, see the brochure in the narthex. Pastor Jen also has some of the coffee for sale ($10 for a 16 oz bag) or you can order online directly. ( www. Pastor Jen will be sharing about her experiences at...
The next table talk will be on September 17th at 6:30 PM at Cutillos (1196 Farmers Mills Rd, Carmel). Please see Pastor Jen or sign up in the Narthex to reserve your spot.
We will once again have a booth at this years street fair. Plans are underway about what we want to include at our table. If you are interested in helping out contact Pastor Jen.
If you would like to support the mission in Guatemala, see the brochure in the narthex. Pastor Jen also has some of the coffee for sale( $10 for a 16 oz bag) or you can order online directly. ( www.