Affirmation Retreat at Koinonia
AFFIRMATION RETREAT at Koinonia is October 16-18 with several other area congrega0ons. Please contact Charlie if you are interested in attending; cost is approximately $65/person.
AFFIRMATION RETREAT at Koinonia is October 16-18 with several other area congrega0ons. Please contact Charlie if you are interested in attending; cost is approximately $65/person.
KOINONIA & LYO are sponsoring “Love Out Loud,” a retreat October 23-25 open to all junior and senior high teens and adult youth leaders. Friday 8 PM-Sunday 2 PM; $85/person cabin rate.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR–Children in Sunday School (Pre-K through 5th grade) may participate in this group, singing pre-arranged songs for performances at worship services throughout the year. Rehearsals will be held on Sundays in Shepherd’s Hall 9:20-9:45 AM beginning Sept 27. There is a sign up sheet is in the Narthex, or...
Senior Choir rehearsals begin again on Thursday, September 14 at 7pm. Please contact Franklyn Commisso.
We’ve all had “one of those days” when we want to start again or just need a word of encouragement. Check out the Faith @ Home table that has resources to make you own faith jars with scripture readings for those bad days as well as good days. More informa0on...