Online Giving

Did you forget your offering envelope or need to catch up with your pledge (If you are not sure if you need to catch up, contact the church office)? Don’t forget that you can go to our webpage ( to make a one time gift or a reoccurring gift to...

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Trinity Now Recycles Plastic Cups!

TRINITY NOW RECYCLES PLASTIC CUPS! In addition to the personal care & beauty, natural care, and e-waste brigades, Trinity has joined the Terracycle SOLO CUP BRIGADE and can turn ANY RIGID PLASTIC CUPS MARKED #6 into cash for Trinity. Cups should be emptied and placed in marked bins at coffee...

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Advent Devotional Available

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL—written by members of Trinity is available in the narthex.  They are also available from the Trinity website. If you would like to receive this electronically each day, please contact Pastor Jen.

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Transportation Needed for Sunday Mornings

TRANSPORTATION—Volunteers are needed to transport three ladies to and from church on Sunday mornings. These ladies live at the Plaza at Clover Lake, Fair St., Paterson and would like to attend church on a fairly regular basis (the 10:45 AM service is more convenient for them). I am willing to...

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