Contributions 2016

For 2016, ALL regular contributors have been assigned a NEW contributor number. Please check the table in the narthex—if you do not have a box of envelopes, you have a letter providing your new number. PLEASE NOTE: To ensure that your contributions are recorded and attributed to you correctly, PLEASE CLEARLY IDENTIFY ALL CONTRIBUTIONS with your name, address, and contributor number. This is especially important for cash contributions. Pew envelopes are available in the pew racks and from the ushers. A list of contributors’ numbers is available in the narthex if you are uncertain of your number. It is important for everyone to DISCARD ANY UNUSED ENVELOPES FROM PREVIOUS YEARS to avoid any possible confusion. If you have your contributions automatically generated by your bank, you should inform them of your new number. We greatly appreciate everyone’s continuing contributions and everyone’s patience as we make this change—The Finance Team