Altar Flowers 2015

The chart for 2015 is posted in the narthex. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday worship or left to beautify the altar. You may designate the gift as a memorial or thanksgiving gift. Some Sundays may be shared with other donors, reducing the $30/week cost. You may also give...

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Yoga at Trinity

Yoga is at Trinity on Tuesday 9:30-11am and Thursday nights from 7:30-8:45pm.  Just bring a yoga mat and an open mind!  All abilities welcome.  Suggested donation of $10.  Donations exceeding $10 will be donated back to Trinity.  Contact Cyndi Bertone, RYT for more info.

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Electronic Giving is Now an Option!

Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account and transferred to Trinity’s bank account. This offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. It is easy to sign up for electronic giving! Click on the “Offering” button. You will need to set up...

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Sharing your gifts and talents

How might you share your gifts of time and talent through the mission and ministry of Trinity? Here are some ways in which you can serve in our life of faith together: Usher  or Assisting Minister (see Mary Beth Commisso); Communication team member (see Pastor).

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Digital Ministry

Did you know that you can support Trinity by using Good Search and Amazon Smile. Just designate Trinity as your selected charity.  How about checking in when you come to worship on Foursquare, Facebook, or other social media sites? Or tweet something that you find expecially meaningful- like a scripture...

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