Dearly beloved,
This Sunday is Pentecost (don’t forget to wear red or flame-like colors), often seen as the birth of the Church. It is the one Sunday a year that we focus almost exclusively on the Holy Spirit. Our altar is adorned with our red paraments and we read the Acts 2 reading that call for the Hollywood-esque special effects of a violent wind and dancing tongues of fire above the disciples’ heads.
God gets our attention! God wants our attention? Are you paying attention?
The Holy Spirit is God with us now, moving amongst us, unable to be controlled or contained. The Spirit is the breath that fills our lungs and fire in our hearts where we experience the love of God. The Spirit is here – right now where you are in this moment. As the Psalmist remind us “where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? (Psalm 139:7) From the highest of heavens to the depths of the earth and the sea, in the morning and evening, God is among us.
Join us for worship this Sunday, as we pray for the gift of the Spirit to fill us and to send us forth as God’s people!
peace in Christ,
Pastor Jen