June 2, 2024

Dearly beloved,

This week, we begin an 8 week series about the Lord’s Prayer. Its words are so familiar to us. They rest upon our hearts and our souls. Some times this familiarity can lead to a bit of apathy. How many times have we each found ourselves saying the words without ever thinking about what we are really saying.

Jesus gives these words to the disciples when they ask him how they should pray. This is not the only way to pray, but it is a prayer that says so much in the space of just a few lines.

We will be looking at each part of this prayer, sinking deep within each word, and remembering the intent of these words that we lift up to God.

We will also be using different versions and perspectives that invite us into the depths of this most important prayer in our lives of faith. You are invited to use these variations during the week, letting the words “dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16) so that the “meditations of your heart be acceptable” to our God. (Psalm 19:14)

peace in Christ,

Pastor Jen