Prayer Calendar

We are asking every member (all ages) to pray for the Mission & Ministry of Trinity during 2016. There is a calendar posted outside of Fellowship Hall for you to pick which day(s) you would like to commit to praying (even if someone has already picked a particular date that...

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Clothing Needed for Women and Teen Girls

Arms Acres, on Seminary Hill Road in Carmel, provides inpatient and outpatient services to those suffering from alcohol and/or substance abuse issues and co- occurring medical and mental health disorders. Patients some.mes come in with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Please place clean clothing in the Social Ministry...

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Advent Wreath Lighting

Advent Wreath Lighting – If you would like to read the opening devotion and light the candles during either service on Dec 6, 13, or 20, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.

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Brewster Emergency Shelter Partnership (BESP)

BESP Shelter Schedule Trinity’s Week is Dec. 5-11th at First Baptist Church (with shower). 2nd week: Jan. 9 –15th (First United Methodist Church); 3rd week: Feb. 20 – 28th (First Baptist Church); December is filled. But we still need gloves, hats, socks with some wool in them, boxer underwear, white...

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