All-Congregation Retreat
Saturday, June 4, 9:00am -2:00pm – Watch for more information
Saturday, June 4, 9:00am -2:00pm – Watch for more information
GS Troop 1544 is collecting Gently Used/Like New Stuffed Animals. We are running a booth at the Patterson Relay for Life on Saturday, June 11th. The stuffed animals will be used as give-away prizes. All proceeds will benefit The American Cancer Society. There will be a collection box in the...
Paints, crayons, markers, colored pencils, construction paper, pipe cleaners, glue, stickers, paint brushes, beads, yarn, ribbon, or any spare art materials are greatly appreciated for Green Chimney’s art program. Part of my Girl Scout Gold Award project is to improve the facility’s afterschool art club –Speak with Lamorna Coyle for...
Sundays April 24 and May 1, between services in the narthex, by WELCA. Come browse for gifts for the mothers in your life!
Have you been bringing in items for our ongoing Terracycle project? Why not invite your friends, neighbors, co- workers and family to join us? On Sunday, April 24 (2-4 pm) we will be in the front parking lot to receive these items from the community to recycle, caring for the...