Yarn Ministry – September 23 at 1:00PM
Yarn Ministry: Join us as we knit, purl and crochet together. All skill levels are invited. Our next gathering will be on Monday, September 23rd @ 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Yarn Ministry: Join us as we knit, purl and crochet together. All skill levels are invited. Our next gathering will be on Monday, September 23rd @ 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
BLOOD DRIVE Thursday, September 26 12:30 – 6:30 p.m. Shepherd’s Hall For more information or to sign up to donate Go to: nybc.org
Brewster Fall Festival: will be Saturday, September 7th. We are planning on having a table again. We will be looking for people to both plan, set up and man the booth that day. It is a wonderful way to engage with the local community. The more faces of Trinity that...
We will again be collecting items for the LWR Baby Kits which will go all over the world where they are needed. Some of the items most needed for the kits are cloth flat fold Gerber diapers, tee shirts in size 6 months to 24 months, sleepers or jumpsuit without...
June Potluck Friday Friday, June 7 @ 6 PM Fellowship Hall All are invited Bring a dish to share!