Brewster Cares Shelter

In preparation for this season’s Brewster Cares Shelter: We would like to begin collecting bottles of juice. Apple, cranberry, mixed fruit, or orange are all good choices, with non-refrigerated containers being best. We are also asking for breakfast bars and 16 oz bottles of water. Donations can be placed in...

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Christmas Catalogs

Christmas Catalogs: In this season of giving as our mailboxes are inundated with catalogs, we offer another one. ELCA World Hunger has a “Good Gifts” catalog where you can give water, a chick, goat, pig, education and more in honor of your loved ones. There are copies in the narthex...

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Advent Candle Lighting

Advent Candle lighting: Each Sunday, we light another candle on our wreath. We will have a brief litany as we do so. If you and/or your family is willing to lead this litany on one of these weeks, please contact Pastor Jen.

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Advent Devotional

Advent devotional: This year, we are offering the devotional “A Weary World Rejoices” by Prof. Kate Bowler for daily prayer. It offers scripture, a reflection with a few questions and a prayer. It revolves around God’s promises of truth, compassion, restoration and justice. We have some hard copies available, but...

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Order Poinsettias – 2024

If you wish to place poinsettias in the Chancel or make a donation toward decorations, please use the form below. The cost of each poinsettia plant is $16.00 and donations for wreaths or decorations can be made in any amount. Checks should be made payable to the “Trinity Lutheran Church...

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