Advent Wreath

Advent wreath: We are looking for individuals or groups that are willing to help with the weekly lighting of the Advent wreath. You will lead a short (provided) litany as well as light the next candle on the wreath. Please sign up or contact Pastor Jen.

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Advent Devotional

We are using the guide called “Bless the Advent We Actually Have” provided by Duke University professor, Kate Bowler. As we live into this Advent season, we are invited to encounter God in the beautiful mess of our lives. Copies are available in the narthex or you may access an...

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Christmas Decorations 2023

The tree will be put up on Sunday, Dec. 17th following worship. If you can stay and help, it would be greatly appreciated! It is also a lot of fun to work together as we prepare for the coming of Christ! If you wish to place poinsettias in the Chancel...

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