Dearly beloved,
Happy Lent – not two words that we often put together. Yet, what can be happy or blessed about this time is that we draw closer in relationship with Christ. It is an opportunity to make a commitment to spend deliberate time in prayer and reflection. It is a time to remember who we are and whose we are.
Life can rush by us pretty quickly and to even think about adding one more thing can be daunting. It may be that you want to use the daily devotional but can’t get to it every day – do it on the days that you are able to do so. Even if that seems to be too much, set an alarm/notification on your phone to pray. For example, I have three different ones on my phone: at noon, I pray for the congregation; at 5:17, I have different kinds of prayers for each day (praise, tears, healing. thanks, intercession, sabbath and confession); the last one is at midnight for my own prayer needs.
Whatever you decide to do, think about how you might focus your heart on Jesus. What do you need to be reminded about God? Maybe its one word – such as peace, hope, love, grace, etc. – write it down and put something that you’ll see regularly. We also have small scripture cards that you can pick up and place someplace prominently.
This year’s Lenten devotional is also be posted on my Substack – so subscribe and you will receive them in your daily mail. They will also be posted on line so you can find there as well at this link: Lenten Devotionals
May you be blessed with renewed faith in this Lenten Season
peace in Christ,
Pastor Jen
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)