Holiday Market Volunteers Needed!:
Saturday, November 11, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Volunteers for market prep (Thursday, Nov 9 and Friday, Nov 10);
Volunteers for market day (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.);
Items Needed:
Clean, working garage sale/flea market type items that you no longer want/need in your house (but would be willing to pay for!) – this includes items of interest for adults and children
Boutique-type donations (read higher-end…designer bags, jewelry, collectibles, china, etc.) no furniture please
Silent auction/raffle contributions (gift baskets, gift cards, and the like);
Baked goods, soups, chilis, various other lunch items;
Paper and tissue packaging materials, paper bags with handles (clean only please);
Christmas season decorations that would help to elevate our guests’ experience;
Balloons for “Kiddie” Treasure Island.
For additional detail, please reach out to the Servant Leader organizing the market area:
Cafe, Irene Germain/Debbie Lyon
Bakery, Pat Rudolph
Treasure Island, Ken Von Bargen
Crafts, Linda Salinger
Boutique, TBD/Linda Salinger
External Vendors, Doris O’Toole // Registrar, SueEllen Kelly
Logistics, Peter Donoghue
Silent Auction/Raffle, Lois Lawerence
Hospitality, TBD/Lois Lawerence
PLEASE do your best to help in any way possible. Many hands make light work!
There is a sign-up board with time slots, additional information (including contact numbers), external vendor applications, etc. located in the Narthex.
THANK YOU in advance for any and all contributions of: TIME, TALENT & TREASURE.
Lois Lawerence & the Holiday Market Servant Leader Team 845-490-2763, [email protected]