3rd Tuesday Table Talk, May 15th at 6:30pm
Third Tuesday Table Talk, May 15th at 6:30 PM: We will be gathering at for faith-filled fellowship and food at Smalley’s Inn, Carmel. Join us! Please sign up to reserve you seat!
Third Tuesday Table Talk, May 15th at 6:30 PM: We will be gathering at for faith-filled fellowship and food at Smalley’s Inn, Carmel. Join us! Please sign up to reserve you seat!
The youth attending the National Youth Gathering will be collecting clothing on April 14th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in the lower parking lot. Items may also be dropped off during the week preceding the drive and put in Shepherd’s Hall down the ramp to the left. What to...
astor Jen April 4, 10 AM – Bible Study lead by Pastor Jen April 11, 10 AM – Bible Study lead by Pastor Jen followed by lunch out.
On Sunday, April 8th after the first service we will once again assemble Fleece Blankets for LWR. Please join us for coffee hour and to tie some knots.
Join us on Sunday, April 8th for what has become a yearly tradition as we celebrate the joke that God played on death and the devil as Jesus rose from the dead. Wear a costume, mismatched clothing, hats and more. Bring your favorite joke to share during worship....