Summer Sermon Survey

Based on the 25 surveys that we received, these are the results of the top 12 “Gospel according…” that will make up our summer worship series (dates pending): The Beatles, Disney, Dr. Seuss, Harry Potter, Johnny Cash, Lord of the Rings, Peanuts, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars, Winnie the Pooh,...

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We celebrate with a number of people who have or will be graduating from college or high school soon. Please send their name and information to the church office so that we can include it in upcoming news

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Memorial Day

On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we would like to remember those who gave their lives while on active duty in the military in our prayers. If there was someone in your family or was close to you, we would appreciate your giving us their name so we can...

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Special Offering

Special offering:  Last week at Church council, we decided to take up a special offering for the churches in  Louisiana that had been burned as a result of arson born of hatred and prejudice.  We would like to collect at least $250 to send to them.  We began the collection this...

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