Churchwide Assembly August 8-12th

CHURCHWIDE ASSEMBLY will be Aug. 8-12th in Columbus, OH. Pastor Jen will be attending as a voting member for our synod. The theme is “Embody the Word”; there have been weekly Bible studies on this theme, using the walk to Emmaus (Luke 24) as the primary scripture pas-sage You can...

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Putnam CAP Back to School Help

BACK TO SCHOOL HELP! Putnam CAP is once again empowering families to provide school supplies to children in need by distributing gift cards to families to purchase needed school supply items, as well as backpacks.  Asking for gift cards in $25.00 denomination to stores such as Staples, Walmart and...

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Putnam CAP Needs Your Help

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Putnam CAP’s food pantry is experiencing severe need. Your donations of these items would be a great help. At the present time, the following items are needed for the Food Pantry: *Juice (Non-Refrigerated) *Canned Beef Stew *Canned Tuna or Chicken *Diapers (larger sizes) / Wipes...

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DIAKONIA: The Metro NY Synod offers unique learning opportunities through its deacon training program. On Thursday, Aug. 4th (7pm), there will be an information Open House about this program and its classes. It will be on Zoom. Beginning in the Fall and meeting once a week classes will cover the...

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2022 Graduates

GRADUATES: We’d like to honor and give thanks to all members who are graduating from high school or college. Please send to the church office their names, school, and the degree which they will be receiving.

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