Easter Lilies

The cost of each plant is $16.00 and checks should be made payable to the “Trinity Lutheran Church Flower Fund.” Before April 2nd, complete the form, enclose $16.00 per plant, place it in the collection plate, bring to the church office, hand it to Kathie Ruhs or mail it to...

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Looking Ahead

 Earth Day: We will be cleaning part of the Bike path on Saturday, April 22nd. We will also be offering drinks, snacks, and info about Trinity. Come help take care of God’s creation and make Christ known.  Camp Herrlich Craft Fair: on Saturday, April 29th, we are on...

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Lenten Outreach Offering

Join our Sunday school in supporting the school at the San Lucas mission in Guatemala. Charlie & Pastor Jen will be sharing about their trip at a Sunday morning coffee hour the date is still to be determined

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Prayer Tree

We are starting a prayer outreach ministry where both people in the congregation and community can ask for prayers during the week. We will have one designated email address with a lead person (Debbie Lyon) who will then be in touch with those on the tree about the particular prayer...

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New Bible Study

Pastor Jen is offering a study on Jesus’ parables in the gospel of Matthew. Classes are offered Wednesdays (7pm) via Zoom (contact her for the link) and on Thursdays (10am) in person in Fellowship hall.

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