Trinity Greeters Needed

Trinity Greeters Needed – Would you be willing to be a Trinity greeter? Greeters would help greet existing members and newcomers. Newcomers would be directed to our guestbook. To follow up with newcomers to Trinity, we will send out a welcome letter on the following Monday. Please contact Cyndi Bertone...

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Ideas for Worship

Ideas for Worship: We are entertaining the idea of more contemporary elements our congregation MIGHT POSSIBLY SOMEDAY MAYBE be adding to our service. If you have any thoughts on this, for or against, and in particular specific things you might want to see added or removed from our current service...

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FAITH5 – June 18th

FAITH5: Beginning June 18th, we will offer intergenerational events after worship. We will have a variety of interactive experiences to share together based on FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless). If you are willing to host a coffee hour for these events, please signup in the Narthex.

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