Affirmation is a three-year faith formation program, usually in the seventh to ninth grades. These young people study the Bible and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, which emphasizes the Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, and Holy Communion.  The primary goal is to enhance faith development by involving the young person’s family in passing on the faith, involving students in fellowship and servant projects, and teaching with an emphasis on application to real life.

When does Affirmation class meet?

The Theme events and primary learning times will be held on Sunday mornings during the Faith Formation time between services. In addition, there will be periodic (approx. once a month) events on Sunday evenings for service projects and other programs.


When is the service of Affirmation held?

After completing the 3 years, young people affirm their baptismal vows at a service of Affirmation held every year on Pentecost Sunday (which normally falls either at the end of May or early June).


What is expected?

Young people are expected to attend theme presentations and participate in ministry by serving as acolytes, ushers, or other worship leaders. Young people are also encouraged to participate in outreach programs in the congregation. Affirmation families are expected to worship together regularly, participate during the faith formation time between services, support the fellowship and servant events and talk about their faith at home.


What curriculum do you use?

We use a wide variety of resources including Re:form from Augsburg Fortress.


How much does it cost?

We ask for a donation of $100 per year per student. This contributes to the costs for curriculum, the retreat at Koinonia, the rental of confirmation robes as well as other expenses.